Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Yoga Anatomy This instant

This book does an excellent job of explaining which part of the body is used in each asana (muscle groups, tendons, etc). I particularly liked the very in depth intro describing the anatomy of how humans breathe - very useful in yoga practice. The illustrations were also great and they covered quite a variety of poses.

However, I was expecting more of a how to guide for each pose. Possibly a "make sure to keep your feet in line...tuck your tailbone...look forward to lengthen the neck...keep your thigh rotated to bring your knee out...etc" - things you hear from teachers in class that help you get the correct posture. This is not the case with this book.

I also thought the anatomy part was a little overkill. It's nice to know which part of the body is affected but I am not a doctor and to use the Latin terms just confuses me. Many times muscles were referenced in the text of a pose that did not have a label in that pose's illustration - which means I either had to remember what that muscle was or look back through the book. Not that user friendly.

Overall: good book for those who want an anatomical understanding of yoga. Not good for someone looking to supplement classes or practice on their own.

Hope this helps, Namaste.Get more detail about Yoga Anatomy.

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