Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Order A Ticket to the Circus: A Memoir
It's a mistake to buy this book for what you might consider the juicy, two-timing Norman parts, where wannabe women trailed him like alley cats and he, like so many men of his ilk, always a sucker for a sycophant, gave in and let them have their ways with him. It would be a mistake to get stuck there, because that ain't the cherry on top of this memoir, it more like the crumbs under the table.
What this book is about is a life lived fully and beautifully by a little girl from Arkansas, a little girl with big trusting eyes, a wise soul full of faith, and a forever innocent heart that took delight in everything that came her way, and boy did it come her way, and boy did she buy that ticket to the circus, went in and never left, leaving her southern God fearing childhood behind, she became Norman's sixth and final wife and the only one who he ever considered his peer.
That's what's important in this book. Norris (nee Barbara) was and remains a very bright light all on her own. She's an original. You'll find few memoirs as honest as this one. She pulls no punches. She tells the truth, she knows no other way.
Norman was terribly in love with her and she with him. His love letters to her, which she shares in this book, make you love the guy. But this book makes you love her. She is the ultimate woman, wise, beautiful, beguiling, able to weave together a blended family of many ex-wives and nine children while she painted portraits of the rich and famous, wrote stories, wrote and directed plays, edited her husbands work, cooked fabulous southern meals, traveled, entertained and engendered devotion from her family and a myriad of friends. She was Norman's muse. He could never get over his luck in marrying her. But, he was also jealous of her and he demonstrated it in nasty ways. He was blustery and smart and celebrated, but Norris is a steady high beam of light, the kind you come into the world with. Everyone loved her, men and women alike.
Throughout her fabulous complicated life which she shares in this book, from the beginning until today, she remains truly humble and grateful for everything that came her way. When the tough times came and they did, illness, hers, his, her parents, she soldiers on taking care of them all. And when she discovers the betrayals you feel the pain with her and travel with her to the detached state that forever changes things. But, she rallies and rises to take care of everyone and everything in her keeping. This memoir is one of the best I've read. I didn't want it to end.Get more detail about A Ticket to the Circus: A Memoir.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Where To Buy The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life
I had to read this book for a course I took. I thought it was interesting although I didn't really feel like it spoke strongly to me. I also saw Ben deliver his presentation at a corporate retreat - entertaining for sure.
However, I recently witnessed Mr. Zander and his wife's behavior towards another passenger in the first class cabin of an airline. They were rude, self centered and generally uninspiring. The book and the message have now lost all meaning to me.Get more detail about The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life.
Shop For Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems: Revised Edition: New, Revised, and Expanded Edition
After having a baby with health problems that caused him to be a "high need" baby, I was sleeping on the couch as my baby with reflux and a milk allergy slept in his swing every night. At 6 months he was waking every two hours if I was lucky, every 45 minutes if I wasn't. I was at the end of my rope and a total zombie during the day.
When my sister came to visit me and saw my desperate sleep deprived situation, she told me about this book. I decided to give it a try. It took 3 nights to get him to sleep through the night, each night being easier than the last. I was amazed! I was sure my baby would be the one that it wouldn't work for, since he is so strong willed. It has been a month now that he has been sleeping from 8:30 pm until 7 or 8 am. He is a much happier baby during the day, and I feel like I have come back to the land of the living.
You just have to remember on the first night why you are Ferberizing. You are giving your baby a gift: you are teaching him healthy sleep habits! I love Dr. Sears, and I am very much into attachment parenting...my baby hardly leaves my arms all day. But I can do a much better job now that I am getting some sleep!Get more detail about Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems: Revised Edition: New, Revised, and Expanded Edition.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
What to Expect the Toddler Years
It is a very useful book, following "What to Expect - the first year".
I admit I haven't read the whole book, but from what I saw it offers critical information about your baby and his development stages, what problems you can encounter and it offers solutions and helps you understand better how your precious child evolves and how can you take care and help him.Get more detail about What to Expect the Toddler Years.
How to Talk to Anyone Review
Unbeknown to me I already owned essentially the same book by Leil, called "talking the winner's way." a lot of identical tips but I like 92 tricks better (you don't need both). If you're interested enough to read about communication, you've probably noticed people who do well in social settings and were wondering how to emulate them. Some interesting ideas here that will help you do that if you keep brushing up on these strategies. Its not that anything is particularly groundbreaking, but the ideas are useful and its bringing these strategies to awareness (instead of being subconscious) that makes it more likely to be effective. But if you're a shy or unsure person like myself, I think if you're really to get anything out of this book, you've really got to be willing to take some risks and actually want to put these ideas into action, as awkward as it may feel at the start, and thats something that is out of the author's control; you have to really want to work at being more effective at being a "natural" communicator.
I gave this fewer stars mainly because I get annoyed with the writing, it errors on the side of condescending drivel (to me), but she gets her point across and thats the important thing, even if it does involve bizarre narrative, a slew of outdated adjectives, and plenty of cliches (which she specifically warns against using, without heeding herself). Also gave it fewer stars because I didn't expect it to be so much the same as her other book; kind of feel ripped off. Also, as with any "tricks," in the wrong hands they're totally insincere; anyone who does these communication tricks without being genuine will only come across as annoying. Certain aspects of this book seem to condone learning the skills to ruthlessly pursue your own agenda, and that was also something that annoyed me. Sometimes it really does feel like this book is just giving you ways of tricking people into liking you, and while that may be a part of life, its better to try to work at sincerity and gratitude. If you practice better communication skills with those values in place, you're likely to both do better and feel better.
All said and done, If you really want to build relationships and communicate better for the simple sake of improving the skill, enhancing your relationships, and the ability to feel comfortable in social situations, reading about it is a good place to start and actively practicing is even better. This book will give you ideas to carry with you when mingling events arise.Get more detail about How to Talk to Anyone.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace Top Quality
I'm not sure how this book could have been fixed, but it needed to be. Lipsky is too big a presence, or maybe the kind of presence he is causes the problem. The issue, for me, is his unabashed hero-worship of David Foster Wallace. Now, it's not hard to understand why a writer would feel that way -- Wallace was certainly a giant among writers, and then some. The problem is that the hero-worship gets in the way of the book as it exists.
Wallace's own words are amazing, and the sort of sideways manner in which he reveals himself is intriguing. However, the breathless awe that suffuses Lipsky's parts of the book (in the transcripts, in the annotations, and even in the foreward and afterward) kept interrupting my delight with what Wallace was doing.
As I mentioned, I am not sure that it could have been fixed -- the way in which Wallace reveals himself is the point of the book, and this revelation happens in the context of the tapes, so making the book (more or less) the transcript of the tapes may be the only way to get this material to the world. And lovely content it is, too. I'm glad I read the book. I just wish that Lipsky were less intrusive, and I say that even though I can see that he didn't intend to be. I can't help but wonder how this book might be better, or worse, or simply different, if the interviewer hadn't had that edge of awe about him. And then I chuckle to myself, because it's hard to imagine any serious writer approaching Wallace without awe. Maybe just someone who could hide that better? I dunno.
Anyway, it's a good book, nearly a great book.Get more detail about Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace.
Raising Chickens For Dummies® This instant
This book is a simple all inclusive book on raising your own chickens. It takes everything you need to know and puts it in one place and keeps it easy to understand. You can tell by reading that it was written by people who love chickens and want to share the enjoyment with others. I did a lot of looking online, but this was the only guide that I was convinced that I needed to buy, and I'm glad that I did.
If you're looking to start your own chicken family, then this book is a must have!
Don't forget to check out [...] while you're at it.Get more detail about Raising Chickens For Dummies®.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Operation Mincemeat: How a Dead Man and a Bizarre Plan Fooled the Nazis and Assured an Allied Victory Immediately
Ben Macintyre can't seem to write a bad book, and he has a knack for finding unusual, quirky stories and characters or, as in the case of this book, the unusual twist/angle to a story that may already be well known to readers and movie-goers thanks to the 1950s publication and film of The Man Who Never Was. That film was an indifferent drama based on an incredible story, and Macintyre has done even better, delivering a far more complete narrative of that story, jam packed with interesting characters and coincidences.
Essentially, it's a spy story, set at the height of World War II, in the months leading up to the invasion of Sicily. Already the Allies were using all kinds of misdirection to feed inaccurate intelligence back to the Germans, but they were particularly concerned about the Sicily landings, not just as a trial run for D-Day but in their own right: if they were repulsed, there might very well never be a D-Day, just a stalemate. How to convince the Germans that the Sicilian attack was only a feint; a cover for the real attack on Sardinia or Greece? Some of the smart and very eccentric minds in the intelligence operations got pondering this, and decided to float a body, containing secret documents, onto a Spanish beach in hopes that the ostensibly neutral Spanish fascists would share the information they found with the Germans AND that the Germans would believe it. Sound incredible? This is the story of that operation, from idea all the way through to the Sicily landings, and it's quite something. Even those familiar with the story will find all kinds of quirky sidenotes -- the main protagonist, for instance, had a brother who was a Soviet spy: he was a typical ecccentric in that he founded a cheese-eating society at Cambridge, was a table-tennis nut, collected rare species of mice and, oh yes, spied for the Soviet Union. (In between producing films for Hitchcock and Eisenstein, and teaching Charlie Chaplin to swear in Russian, of course...)
If you're interested in taking a broader look at this kind of World War 2 intelligence coup, the best book of all (although not as lively or succinct a read as this one) is Churchill's Wizards: The British Genius for Deception, 1914-1945 by Nicholas Rankin, which covers Mincemeat and the various misdirection operations that surrounded D-Day itself.
Meanwhile, do hunt out Macintyre's other books, which include a book about jewel thief Adam Worth and one focusing on a little-known event in World War One that is a poignant mystery -- The Englishman's Daughter: A True Story of Love and Betrayal in World War I.
Highly recommended, and not just to military history buffs (whose ranks I would not include myself in.)Get more detail about Operation Mincemeat: How a Dead Man and a Bizarre Plan Fooled the Nazis and Assured an Allied Victory.
The Sound of Hope: Recognizing, Coping with, and Treating Your Child's Auditory Processing Disorder Best Quality
As a veteran elementary school principal, I have witnessed the frustration felt by children diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder, their parents' concerns, as well as the helplessness felt by their classroom teachers who have difficulty understanding and addressing the disorder.
Lois Heymann's book speaks to these issues in language that is clear and easy to understand. Both she and Rosie provide the reader with information and vignettes built upon first hand experiences and Ms. Heymann's expertise as a higly respected speech pathologist/auditory therapist. The Sound of Hope offers proven strategies to support learning and understanding,advice and suggestions for parents (and educators), as well as a myriad of resources to explore.
Ihis book is a welcome addition to my school's professional library.Get more detail about The Sound of Hope: Recognizing, Coping with, and Treating Your Child's Auditory Processing Disorder.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Nursing Mother's Companion: Revised Edition Get it now!
As the mother of seven breastfed babies, I received very little support for specific hurdles I encountered through my first five babies. I read every book imaginable on the subject and actively sought help, but was never able to get specific solutions to my specific needs. While expecting my 6th child, I received a brief excerpt of this book in one of those gift packs you receive at the doctor's office. I was elated to find answers in this little excerpt that I had been unable to find over the course of many years of searching. Needless to say, I quickly obtained the full version and have since made sure my daughters,daughters-in-law, nieces, and friends had access to this book.
As satisfying as nursing a baby can be, every mother/baby pair has some learning to do to make it a successful experience. While it is a "natural" experience, this resource is A MUST to help guide you through the specifics that apply to your own situation. HAVE IT ON HAND before the baby comes. Read what you need to know before delivery. Then continue reading as you need it, using the "Survival Guide for the First Week", "Survival Guide for the First Two Months" etc... You'll find yourself referring to it for questions throughout your breastfeeding experience right through weaning to solid foods. Once you've nearly worn it out, tell everyone who wants to breastfeed about this book!Get more detail about The Nursing Mother's Companion: Revised Edition.
The Element Buy Now
Sir Ken Robinson's book is an essential component for anyone wanting to find their own road in life. A different and elemental perspective.Get more detail about The Element.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thus Spake Zarathustra Order Now
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about Thus Spake Zarathustra.
Thus Spoke Zarathustra Decide Now
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thus Spoke Zarathustra Right now
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
Lowest Price "Thus Spake Zarathustra" A book for all and none
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about "Thus Spake Zarathustra" A book for all and none.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Low Price Thus Spake Zarathustra, A Book for All and None (With Active Table of Contents)
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about Thus Spake Zarathustra, A Book for All and None (With Active Table of Contents).
Save Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Optimized for Kindle)
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Optimized for Kindle).
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Discount Thus Spake Zarathustra
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about Thus Spake Zarathustra.
Cheapest Thus Spake Zarathustra
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about Thus Spake Zarathustra.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Cheap Thus Spoke Zarathustra
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
Buying Thus Spake Zarathustra
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about Thus Spake Zarathustra.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Buy Thus Spake Zarathustra
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about Thus Spake Zarathustra.
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA - A BOOK FOR ALL AND NONE.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Order Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None.
Where To Buy Thus Spake Zarathustra
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about Thus Spake Zarathustra.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Shop For Thus Spake Zarathustra, a Book for All and None
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about Thus Spake Zarathustra, a Book for All and None.
Thus Spake Zarathustra - A Book For All And None
I've seen some things on Nitsche before and it seems that translating him is difficult and of course subjective. This reads fairly well and I would recommend it.Get more detail about Thus Spake Zarathustra - A Book For All And None.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Getting the Pretty Back: Friendship, Family, and Finding the Perfect Lipstick Review
You don't have to be a fan of Molly Ringwald for Getting the Pretty Back book to appeal, but if you are a fan then you are in for a huge treat. What I loved about this book is that it is such a great mixture of personal stories, reflections, and the kind of advice you'd get from a really good girlfriend.
I'm not normally a fan of books that are entirely filled with artwork and lacking actual photos, but Ruben Toledo's artwork in this book is whimsical, stylish and charming all at the same time. The only part where I would have wished for a better diagram or a real photo, was the instructions for how to tie an Hermes scarf. However, as much as I wish I was a scarf person, I have never once been able to pull off the look (much less own an Hermes scarf), so this was less of a worry for me.
I enjoyed reading about Molly's youth, especially about the changes she made to her hair over the years. She reiterated some of the best advice my mom (a former hairdresser) ever gave me - don't cut your hair when you're upset. Molly says, "As tempting as it may be to radically shear yourself when a big and difficult moment arises in your life, many of the times you're left afterward still feeling bad - and almost bald."
Molly's advice on various topics is sprinkled throughout the book in special sections, including: Five Things to do (or not do) After a Breakup, The Five Biggest Mistakes Home Cooks Make, The Joys of Being Single, Date Places, Skin Care, Best Iconic Hairstyles in Film, Fashion Faux Pas That Work, and more.
I learned some new facts from the book (like Retin-A stimulates collagen production), other information was of the more common sense variety, and some were her personal preferences (like not wanting a holiday meal to be served buffet style).
A quick, light and entertaining read, Getting the Pretty Back will appeal to women who want to feel young and pretty while appreciating the experiences that come with age.Get more detail about Getting the Pretty Back: Friendship, Family, and Finding the Perfect Lipstick.
A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier Top Quality
I listened to the audio version of the book and I think hearing the words spoken aloud made this book touch my core.
I see that there is some controversy surrounding the validity of this book - and a few harsh reviews questioning Ismael's experiences. From my point of view, when I read a book that has received this much publicity, I expect that there will be a certain degree of sensationalism. I expect, especially in the case of an adolescent, drugged and taked off to war, to report inaccuracies, to mix up dates, and to remember things somewhat differently from how they may have actually occurred. This is the basis of many theories of memory in psychology. In fact, if you do a few minutes of research, you will see (1) that 2 people can witness a car crash but recall significantly different stories; and (2) see that there have been cases of people wrongly being charged of sexual abuse due to false memories.
But I digress.
This book, fact or fiction, memories of one boy or the compilation of several (as the accusations go), is still astounding. The experiences of child soldiers is heartbreaking and terrifying. The images in my mind as I heard the recounts of the violent and horrific acts can not be erased. I was truly moved by the lost innocence of the young soldiers; horrified by the violence and the torture tactics and the many, many deaths; and deeply touched when Ismael meets his family, and by his experience in New York.
If you havent read this book, please dont tell the controversy scare you away. It is still a fascinating read about an experience that American children can not even imagine.Get more detail about A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Written by Herself This instant
I won't go into details as that has already been well covered by other reviewers, but this book should be required reading in every high school.
The coverage in American school texts does not do enough to emphasize the level of savagery in the South and the complicity of the Northern states in the promotion and continuation of slavery by a 'Christian' nation.
I couldn't put this book down. It is truly an inspirational story of faith and strength in the face of almost unbelievable adversity.Get more detail about Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Written by Herself.
Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection Immediately
Received on time, good condition. Quick read, Reviews almost unbelievable results. Let you know if it works.Get more detail about Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Me Talk Pretty One Day Best Quality
I purchased this book after seeing David Sedaris speak. This book is hilarious!!! I find my self reading it out loud to any one that is around. Reading the book you feel like you are in a conversation with your best friend. Read this is you want to laugh at someone else's life. The book always leave me in good sprits when I finish a chapter :)Get more detail about Me Talk Pretty One Day.
DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education Get it now!
The premises of this brief introduction to the future of higher education are excellent and very much to the point in this era of
increasing tuition at conventional institutions, lower economic expectations in developed nations, the availability and quality of resources obtainable via the Internet, and trends toward DIY and seeking one's own path in society and self-fulfillment. This book is also well worth its modest price in terms of the valuable links to free resources it provides. Many of the issues it begins to explore
on DIY education, and Open Resources are pursued in limited depth. For example, why did Britain's Open University fail in its U.S. Extension? What about Meetup's and Hackerspaces as in-person resources for self directed education?
The issues of self-directed Higher Education and Open Source Resources deserve a more in depth study in setting directions for
US Policy and in personal exploration. However, because this book raises important issues and takes a fresh approach to higher education
and lifelong learning, and because of the resources that it makes visible it is a worthy introduction to the issues of US and World Higher Education.
--Ira LaefskyGet more detail about DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Secrets of the Baby Whisperer Buy Now
This book gives the most down-to-earth and usable tips for new parents of any book I have read. It is good to find out what really works for infants. The author knows her babies and has helped many parents in their homes. (A lot of doctors are giving recommendations about things that they have not actually experienced.) This book advocates positive things and not extremes. It is wonderful and really works.Get more detail about Secrets of the Baby Whisperer.
Mandela's Way: Fifteen Lessons on Life, Love, and Courage Order Now
Richard Stengel is the perfect person to write these stories about Nelson Mandela. He spent a great deal of time with Mandela, gained his confidence and came to love the man, even idolize him. Stengel tries to be balanced about Mandela, looking at the best of the man and the worst, but the worst is barely commented upon, and in truth, Mandela's worst would only be an irritant in another, lesser man.
Though Stengel achieves some intimacy, this is not an indepth biography, and many questions remain, but the stories are entertaining and informative. I enjoyed each chapter and feel it was
not time wasted. This book would be an excellent addition to any high school or college freshman writing course. It generates ideas, introduces you to a different kind of energy and makes you think. It would be especially beneficial to teach American students about the African concept of "ubuntu," which can loosely be translated as "Oneness." It is the antidote to greed and selfishness.
My only disagreement with the book was when Stengel compared Mandela to Buddha, Moses, Muhammad and Jesus. This may well have been so had Mandela come into this world with the role of spiritual avatar. He certainly has what it takes. But he didn't. He came to the world in order to unite a certain portion of it and this he did very well.
Mandela is certainly a wise man, no question. An interesting, complex and ethically upright man, he was also simply, a good man. He learned many spiritual lessons in prison, to be sure, and he has much to teach us about compassion, forgiveness, calm dignity and not taking one's self too seriously. I think he is one of the most remarkable men of the 20th Century. But he cannot walk on water or speak with a burning bush. And that's just as well. What he was/is fills up the time/space in which he lived and we live with power and fortitude aplenty, giving us a stunning example of how a man can live in horrific circumstances and still remain true to his heart and true to his principles. He drew his life with exquisite skill and the picture he created will inspire us forever.Get more detail about Mandela's Way: Fifteen Lessons on Life, Love, and Courage.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality Decide Now
This book is about "me".
It's all about "me". It's about the activities and thoughts of "me". It's about how cool "me" is. It's about how the world revolves around "me". It's about "me's" deep and not-so-deep thoughts.
What's alarming is that Donald Miller and people like him seem to have a lot of influence on others. The success of this book has made Miller a popular speaker among both Christian and secular audiences. A movie is being released based on this book. In the book, Miller ponders how great it would be if Christianity could somehow be considered "cool". He has accomplished this. He's made Christianity seem "cool". But it's not great. It's a disaster.
Get more detail about Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality.
She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman Right now
She Comes First:
outstanding-As opposed to those of us males who stumbled through puberty in the fifties, still burdened by an overwhelming puritan ethic that prevented even the most basic understanding of anatomy, let alone any information about physiology or even rudimentery ideas about how it all worked, the current generation will be well served by a reflective reading of this book. Men will benefit by finally having their penis's put in their proper place-no not there-I mean religated to the proper role as a contributor, rather than the end all of a woman's sexual response and pleasure. Once understood men can regain their rightful position in the sex chain, but only if they bury their egos and their misunderstanding of how women are best satisfied. Knowledge is still power, but ignore what is required at the risk of being kicked to the curb by knowledgeable women who understand how this all works. Whim wham, thank you mame' isn't going to cut it. But when women are approached correctly based on THEIR needs, men will suddenly find that sex is actually more delightful then they could have ever imagined! [[ASIN:160529876X Because It Feels Good: A Woman's Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Satisfaction] Just as in other areas, knowledge begets its own reward.
william e evans mdGet more detail about She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Lowest Price Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men
I wish I had read this book in high school or college and been aware of the different tactics of abusive men. As Bancroft writes, ""When the world catches on to the abuser, his power begins to melt away." Indeed, knowledge of these types of men and their favorite manipulations is POWER. Bancroft outlines them so sharply and clearly that it would be hard not to recognize if you (or someone you love) is with one of them.
I believe that a lot of what he writes would also help men who are in a relationship with an abusive woman (I don't know of any book that deals specifically with female-on-male abuse, but I'd love to find one.)
I can't recommend this book highly enough, and the problem it describes is so insidious and soul-destroying that it should be required reading for anyone who is or plans to be in a romantic relationship.Get more detail about Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.
Low Price Parenting from the Inside Out
Seigel is an amazing author with fascinating insight into the mind and body connections and the importance of attachment. This is a great read even for someone who is not yet a parent, but wanting to prepare themselves to healthfully connect with others.Get more detail about Parenting from the Inside Out.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Save Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine
Six characteristics describe Professor Grudem's writing and teaching style in this book, and perhaps in general as well; solidly biblical, clear, evangelical, irenic, relevant and pastoral. Let me elaborate on these. First, I greatly appreciate that in the Introduction, Grudem advises students to approach the study of systematic theology with humility, prayer, reason, as well as through others qualified to teach, by a careful collection and examination of all related passages of Scriptures on any topic, and finally with rejoicing and praise. These points are necessary to keep in mind to ensure a right motive, a teachable heart and dependence on the Holy Spirit to direct the study and make the overall process not merely an intellectual exercise, but more importantly, to have doxology as the goal displayed particularly through the transformation of life into a greater Christ-likeness.
Second, there is a wide margin on the sides of each page and plenty of space at the end of each chapter to allow students to make notes. I made a great use of these for writing important points and summary of Scriptural passages, as well as answering the questions at the end of the chapter.
Third, Grudem cares more about the heart than the head though by no means he neglects the element of reason in the study of God's Word. In fact, he works very hard to explain each topic logically as much as possible. The reason I said as much as possible is there are cases where you can only go so far before you seem to arrive at a dead end yet with awe and wonder at the glory of the mysteries of God in such cases as the doctrines of the Trinity, hypostatic union of the humanity and divinity of Christ, the exhaustive foreknowledge of God and human responsibility, the aseity, eternality, and omnipresence of God. Though unquestionably there are mysteries in these, yet I should say they are beautiful mysteries, that cause the heart to stand in awe and bow in worship to the majesty, the greatness, the brilliance, the unsearchableness of the God of the Bible.
The fact Grudem's chief aim is the heart with the head being the means to reach out to the heart is clearly seen in the type of questions he asks at the end of each chapter. Instead of asking, "What is Apollonarianism? How is it different from Nestorianism?" or "List the passages of Scriptures that talk about regeneration," he asks the students questions like, "How can a clearer understanding of Jesus' humanity help you face temptation? How can it help you to pray? What are the most difficult situations in your life right now? Can you think of any similar situations that Jesus might have faced? Does that encourage you to pray confidently to Him?" (p. 563) or "Have you been born again? Is there evidence of the new birth in your life?" (p. 706). No wonder the heading of these questions is "Questions for Personal Application" not "Questions for Exam Preparation." I do not neglect the importance of understanding technical terms, but I agree with Grudem that it is more important to ask the question what these terms mean for me or how they would help me to know God deeper and in a more personal way and to savor Him more in my heart.
Fourth, Grudem is sensitive enough to care about the issues and challenges being faced today by the Church. He covers the topics of evolution, the age of the universe, and the age of the human race (p.275-309) with a solid grip on the Bible and a commendable wisdom. He also includes the discussions on a seemingly perennial debate between Arminians and Calvinists, Continualists and Cessationists, and answers to the modern challenges to the roles of man and woman (p.456-467), the penal-substitutionary atonement of Christ, specifically the moral-influence theory and the example theory (p. 581-582) as well as the doctrine of hell (p.1150-1153) commonly advocated by the emergent church.
Fifth, the fact Grudem does his best to teach from what he believes the Bible teaches can be seen in that he does not simply carry the fundamental pre-suppositions from his denomination or his mentors or almamaters. It means that just because he is a Baptist doesn't mean he has to teach Cessationism or Pre-millenialism, or because he went to school at Westminster doesn't mean he has to be a Paedobaptist or a Calvinist. He is a Calvinist, Pre-millenialist, Credobaptist, and Continualist because he firmly believes the Bible teaches so and he does an excellent job laying out the biblical arguments as the basis of his views.
Sixth, the manner he handles doctrinal differences is respectful and irenic, but not wishy-washy. For example, rather than inciting hostility between Continualists and Cessationists with inflammatory words, Grudem pointed out both camps need each other. This is indeed something to learn for Christians who delight in controversies, divisions, and squabbling over matters of secondary importance. The argument I often hear is that Jesus was harsh against the Pharisees, so were the reformers toward their opponents and therefore, we have to be like them right? No, we don't. First, we are not Jesus. Second, the so-called opponents we tend to butt heads with in our case are often fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, not unbelievers. Third, the reformers were not infallible. Just because they did something, it doesn't mean they did the right thing. Fourth, Paul warns severely against divisive people (e.g., Titus 3:9-10, Rom 16:17). Fifth, Paul on the contrary, appeals for unity (e.g., Eph 4:3, 1 Cor 1:10, Phil 2:2) among believers, while not tolerating false teaching in direct opposition to cardinal Christian doctrines (e.g., Gal 1:8).
I am greatly benefited not only through the technical content of the book, but also more importantly from the way Grudem makes it deeply personal. I studied it for 8 months and it was an unforgettably rich and blessed experience. It is my prayer that the Lord would bless the readers with the same.Get more detail about Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine.
Discount Rick Steves Rome 2010
Fabulous guide book for any visitor to Rome, Well priced on Amazon.
Practical information. Not too big - easy to take on a trip.
The best book I have found - and I have looked at a least 5 others.
Easy to read and tells Rome as it is. Highly recommendGet more detail about Rick Steves Rome 2010.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Cheapest Like Me: Confessions of a Heartland Country Singer
I read this book in two days as I could not put it down. Chely's story is one that will open your heart to the struggle LGBT people face in this country every day in which they are not permitted to live an authentic life.
As a woman who is coming out after 45 years in the closet, the entire time I was reading the book I was nodding my head in agreement and planning to have my parents read it because it expresses the inner turmoil so eloquently.
I am so glad Chely poured her heart into this well written work. My hope is that the country music audience chooses to embrace her as they did when they had preconceived notions about her sexuality. Because after all she is the same person...just now living her truth.Get more detail about Like Me: Confessions of a Heartland Country Singer.
Cheap The Post-American World
In this book you will find the same serving of false hope that Obama eats from. It has a strong liberal taste, laced with American-hating rhetoric, and topped with left wing fantasy. I find it amazing that chef Fareed gets away with serving the same crap over and over.Get more detail about The Post-American World.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Buying The Art of Manliness: Classic Skills and Manners for the Modern Man
This book, and the associated blog, has literally changed my life.
I got the book after reading through the blog, [...], and I am not dissapointed.
The book covers a huge number of practical manly things, such as how to fit a suit, how to pick a hat, the roadmap to a perfect first date, how to give flowers, and how to land a plane if the pilot has died.
Intertwined with unique humor, and no-nonsense advice and guides, I read this book everyt ime I need advice on all things manly.Get more detail about The Art of Manliness: Classic Skills and Manners for the Modern Man.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Buy Kaplan NCLEX-RN: Medications You Need to Know for the Exam
There is a table of contents but it only lists drug categories. The book has no index so you cannot look up a specific drug without flipping through the book. The book doesn't list the drug's action. Also, many of the drugs in NCLEX practice tests have drugs that are not in this book. I would return it if it was more than $11.Get more detail about Kaplan NCLEX-RN: Medications You Need to Know for the Exam.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Purchase An Altar in the World
Barbara Brown Taylor is gifted with an elegant style that reaches into my heart and soul. I enjoy reading her in bed right before I retire for the night. Her thoughts are pleasantly provoking as I lie in the dark awaiting slumber.Get more detail about An Altar in the World.
Order THE FAIRY GODMOTHERS AND OTHER TALES ($1 Uplifting Classics) (Kindle's Newest Format)
I have enjoyed all of the free fairy-tale type stories available for the Kindle. I have read many of them in the last few months, including this one. A few weeks after finishing this book, it still stands out as one of my favorites. After seeing that not very many readers have reviewed this book, I felt compelled to share my opinion. If you like to read fairy-tale type stories for children (Grimm's fairy tales and the like), then this book is highly recommended.
I also thought the themes of the stories were pretty original, when compared with other, older fairy-tales. The reader isn't always 100% sure how the story would turn out.Get more detail about THE FAIRY GODMOTHERS AND OTHER TALES ($1 Uplifting Classics) (Kindle's Newest Format).
Friday, November 5, 2010
Where To Buy The Fairy Godmothers and Other Tales
I have enjoyed all of the free fairy-tale type stories available for the Kindle. I have read many of them in the last few months, including this one. A few weeks after finishing this book, it still stands out as one of my favorites. After seeing that not very many readers have reviewed this book, I felt compelled to share my opinion. If you like to read fairy-tale type stories for children (Grimm's fairy tales and the like), then this book is highly recommended.
I also thought the themes of the stories were pretty original, when compared with other, older fairy-tales. The reader isn't always 100% sure how the story would turn out.Get more detail about The Fairy Godmothers and Other Tales.
Shop For The 36-Hour Day, 4th edition: A Family Guide to Caring for People with Alzheimer Disease, Other Dementias, and Memory Loss in Later Life
This book was so insightful. It really helped explain what is going on in the aflicted person's brain. I have a much better understaning of the disease and a lot more patience! Thank you!Get more detail about The 36-Hour Day, 4th edition: A Family Guide to Caring for People with Alzheimer Disease, Other Dementias, and Memory Loss in Later Life.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
US: Transforming Ourselves and the Relationships that
I enjoyed this book and definitely found it had great points to think about. I enjoyed the 9 personality types and found myself a dead ringer for one... and hear the "beware of" pieces rattling in my head often. I also agree on her approach to healthy relationships... it all starts with working on yourself first.Get more detail about US: Transforming Ourselves and the Relationships that.
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