As the mother of seven breastfed babies, I received very little support for specific hurdles I encountered through my first five babies. I read every book imaginable on the subject and actively sought help, but was never able to get specific solutions to my specific needs. While expecting my 6th child, I received a brief excerpt of this book in one of those gift packs you receive at the doctor's office. I was elated to find answers in this little excerpt that I had been unable to find over the course of many years of searching. Needless to say, I quickly obtained the full version and have since made sure my daughters,daughters-in-law, nieces, and friends had access to this book.
As satisfying as nursing a baby can be, every mother/baby pair has some learning to do to make it a successful experience. While it is a "natural" experience, this resource is A MUST to help guide you through the specifics that apply to your own situation. HAVE IT ON HAND before the baby comes. Read what you need to know before delivery. Then continue reading as you need it, using the "Survival Guide for the First Week", "Survival Guide for the First Two Months" etc... You'll find yourself referring to it for questions throughout your breastfeeding experience right through weaning to solid foods. Once you've nearly worn it out, tell everyone who wants to breastfeed about this book!Get more detail about The Nursing Mother's Companion: Revised Edition.
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