Unbeknown to me I already owned essentially the same book by Leil, called "talking the winner's way." a lot of identical tips but I like 92 tricks better (you don't need both). If you're interested enough to read about communication, you've probably noticed people who do well in social settings and were wondering how to emulate them. Some interesting ideas here that will help you do that if you keep brushing up on these strategies. Its not that anything is particularly groundbreaking, but the ideas are useful and its bringing these strategies to awareness (instead of being subconscious) that makes it more likely to be effective. But if you're a shy or unsure person like myself, I think if you're really to get anything out of this book, you've really got to be willing to take some risks and actually want to put these ideas into action, as awkward as it may feel at the start, and thats something that is out of the author's control; you have to really want to work at being more effective at being a "natural" communicator.
I gave this fewer stars mainly because I get annoyed with the writing, it errors on the side of condescending drivel (to me), but she gets her point across and thats the important thing, even if it does involve bizarre narrative, a slew of outdated adjectives, and plenty of cliches (which she specifically warns against using, without heeding herself). Also gave it fewer stars because I didn't expect it to be so much the same as her other book; kind of feel ripped off. Also, as with any "tricks," in the wrong hands they're totally insincere; anyone who does these communication tricks without being genuine will only come across as annoying. Certain aspects of this book seem to condone learning the skills to ruthlessly pursue your own agenda, and that was also something that annoyed me. Sometimes it really does feel like this book is just giving you ways of tricking people into liking you, and while that may be a part of life, its better to try to work at sincerity and gratitude. If you practice better communication skills with those values in place, you're likely to both do better and feel better.
All said and done, If you really want to build relationships and communicate better for the simple sake of improving the skill, enhancing your relationships, and the ability to feel comfortable in social situations, reading about it is a good place to start and actively practicing is even better. This book will give you ideas to carry with you when mingling events arise.Get more detail about How to Talk to Anyone.
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