Richard Stengel is the perfect person to write these stories about Nelson Mandela. He spent a great deal of time with Mandela, gained his confidence and came to love the man, even idolize him. Stengel tries to be balanced about Mandela, looking at the best of the man and the worst, but the worst is barely commented upon, and in truth, Mandela's worst would only be an irritant in another, lesser man.
Though Stengel achieves some intimacy, this is not an indepth biography, and many questions remain, but the stories are entertaining and informative. I enjoyed each chapter and feel it was
not time wasted. This book would be an excellent addition to any high school or college freshman writing course. It generates ideas, introduces you to a different kind of energy and makes you think. It would be especially beneficial to teach American students about the African concept of "ubuntu," which can loosely be translated as "Oneness." It is the antidote to greed and selfishness.
My only disagreement with the book was when Stengel compared Mandela to Buddha, Moses, Muhammad and Jesus. This may well have been so had Mandela come into this world with the role of spiritual avatar. He certainly has what it takes. But he didn't. He came to the world in order to unite a certain portion of it and this he did very well.
Mandela is certainly a wise man, no question. An interesting, complex and ethically upright man, he was also simply, a good man. He learned many spiritual lessons in prison, to be sure, and he has much to teach us about compassion, forgiveness, calm dignity and not taking one's self too seriously. I think he is one of the most remarkable men of the 20th Century. But he cannot walk on water or speak with a burning bush. And that's just as well. What he was/is fills up the time/space in which he lived and we live with power and fortitude aplenty, giving us a stunning example of how a man can live in horrific circumstances and still remain true to his heart and true to his principles. He drew his life with exquisite skill and the picture he created will inspire us forever.Get more detail about Mandela's Way: Fifteen Lessons on Life, Love, and Courage.
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