I was so looking forward to reading StrenthsFinder 2.0 after seeing on the Bestseller lists for so long, and yet I find myself so disappointed that I wanted to share a review and provide another perspective on why this book fails, in my opinion, to provide true value for the reader.
The book itself is more of an outline of the Gallup Organizations 34 Key Personality Traits than an insightful overview, which was disappointing to me. In addition, the book is supported by an online test that is designed to, through 177 questions, help you to assess the 5 Traits or Qualities that are your true Strengths. I don't disagree with the assesment that the survey made, but I'm shocked by the lack of actionable feedback based on such strong data. If I wanted to "Know Myself" better, I would have spent the time and money in Meditation Lessons, not trying to capitalize on my innate strengths, as the book purports to assist with.
Perhaps I was expecting too much from a book, but I found StrengthsFinder 2.0 to be full of a lot of hype and very little substance.Get more detail about StrengthsFinder 2.0: A New and Upgraded Edition of the Online Test from Gallup's Now, Discover Your Strengths.
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