**A few minor spoilers***
I might be the only person who has read her books who feels this way, but so be it. I have read from the Redemption Series to the First Born Series to the Sunrise Series and on to this Above the Line series. I know all about the Baxter Family and their story and I really liked all of the first 3 Series. (Otherwise I would not have read all 14 books :) )
Now, with this Above the Line series. I am not sure if my explanation will come across as I intend, but here goes. I think she is starting to take it to far. It is almost too "preachy" for me. Any character in the book that doesn't have the confidence and conviction of Bailey Flannagin's character is always having bad things happen to them. It really started to get to me in Take 2, but especially in Take 3. And I really didn't understand the story line of Chase's wife wanting to eat candy or feed her kids Mac and Cheese and feeling like dirt because of it and that being part of the reason she loses some of her faith. I understood completely her feelings on being separated from Chase and his seemingly initial lack of real concern when their daughter got hurt, but I was really confused about her grabbing a few m&m's and then feeling depressed for hours.
I was really disappointed in the way she handled the Andi Ellison story line. I seemed to just get more irritated as the book went along. She seemed to use the fact that Andi has questions about her faith to throw every possible bad thing that could happen to her short of dying. She isn't 100% in her convictions and man does she pay the price by making one bad choice after another throughout the entire book until the end. I don't agree that because someone isn't 100% sure of their faith or has questions, that they will just make nothing but ignorant decisions. I found myself not even wanting to read the parts that were from her perspective.
I loved the faith and spiritualty of the Baxter Series books, but in my opinion, and I may be a lone ship here, I am not really a fan of the way this series is going. I will probably read take 4, if only because I have read all of the books up until now, but I am not really anticipating it.
Get more detail about Take Three.
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