No one can accuse Dick Morris of being biased. He was Clintons(DEMOCRAT) political advisor for 20 years so he knows how things work. His book is based on facts and past experiences. The info in this book is astounding. For all the idealogs, you may scoff at this but America will never be the same if Democrats keep the House majority. We need balance in the house. So if you do not want your hard earned money being taxed upon taxed and then given to the lazy( does not include those who truly deserve our help) then vote in some Republican on election day.
Some people seem to think if you are registered Dem or Rep., you must vote all or nothing. Simply not true. I voted for a Dem. Mayor and I am Rep. So listen to what each candidate has to say and look up thier history of coming through on thier word.
Obama has an agenda and hell bent on becoming a socialist society. All of what our founding fathers have done for us will be gone!Get more detail about 2010: Take Back America: A Battle Plan.
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