Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior Best Quality


1. Interestingness: Great. The topic was sufficiently narrow and the words carefully selected.
2. Ease of Reading: Great. This book took one afternoon of reading to finish
3. Coherence: Great. The authors didn't go off into any Nassim-Nicholas-Taleb style (he of "Fooled by Randomness" and "The Black Swan") babbling and take a WHOLE lot of pages to make fairly simple points.
4. Value of information per unit of time: Great.

One thing that I really enjoyed about this book was that the reader can go back to the headings of each chapter and find a recapitulation of what was covered therein. (That is a way to review what you are learning and make sure that you are following the arguments that the author is putting forth.) In fact, that may have been the single best point about this book. Of course we all know that Psychology is not a real science, and I don't think that the authors tried to convince us one way or the other. But they did take some number of extant situations and try to go backward from those to illustrate reasoning errors.

I can recommend spending for a second hand copy of this book.

Get more detail about Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior.

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