I'm an adult, and I loved this book. I only wish it had been around to read when I was a teen. Alex and Brett Harris, teens themselves when writing this book, will inspire readers of all ages to change the world by starting with their own little corner of it. There are plenty of stories about real teens, past and present, who have accomplished remarkable things. If they can do it, so can you. Lest you think this book is only for and about honor roll, type-A over-achievers, they also talk about what do to when you fail and kids who have overcome real obstacles, like intense fear of public speaking. Part of "doing hard things" is taking risks and getting outside of your comfort zone.
As a youth worker, I plan to apply the concept of high expectations to the kids I work with. As the parent of a toddler, I will definitely hang on to this book to give to my daughter when she is older. I would strongly recommend that parents also read this book so that they can discuss it with their teen.Get more detail about Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations.
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