This book gives interesting stories with a moral at the end of each story and has illustrations on each page. The stories vary in length but can be read quickly due to the author's writing style. While different from "Oz" books, these stories are still a lot of fun.Get more detail about American Fairy Tales.
Monday, May 31, 2010
American Fairy Tales Right now
This book gives interesting stories with a moral at the end of each story and has illustrations on each page. The stories vary in length but can be read quickly due to the author's writing style. While different from "Oz" books, these stories are still a lot of fun.Get more detail about American Fairy Tales.
Lowest Price The Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook
I like the book, but it requires a lot of weird and some costly ingredients. I haven't tried any of the recipes yet, but plan to.Get more detail about The Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook.
The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It Get it now!
Patterson's book as with most of the "popular" level books on the 2007/2008 crisis suffers from being an easy read that sacrifices details for readability. The book is in general a quick entertaining read, but at the end of it the reader is left wondering if they actually learnt anything from the book at all.
While the book was undoubtedly never intended as a rigorous tome, I must say the analysis and insights fall a bit short of what I hoped. Part of it will undoubtedly be linked to very few managers being willing to actually share any meaningful insights on their trading and models. The other factor I can only assume is that authors are rushing books out to meet the demand for works on the topic and are willing to release superficial works as most of their readers wont actually complain.
As a member of the general public interested in gaining a bit more insight on quantitative investing I might be happy with this book and for that level of reader I would recommend it. As a market professional I feel a little short-changed and will keep looking for a more rigorous analysis of the actual role of quant driven funds (if any) in the crisis.Get more detail about The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It.
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln Buy Now
Team of Rivals is a classic history book. It is well written and illustrates an important time in our contry's history.Get more detail about Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness Order Now
All I can say is this book has changed my a good way. Before reading this book I was swimming in nearly $30,000 dollars worth of consumer debt not making any head ways. After reading this book I paid off $29,500 worth of debt in a little over 9 months making a little over 70k a year and was able to fund a six month emergency in another 8 months after this. There are people that don't agree with Dave Ramsey's methods and say he is a simpleton but he has helped more than a million people out of debt with his baby steps detailed in this book. I will tell you if you don't realize there is a problem then this book probably will not help you, but if you realize there is a problem with the amount debt you are sitting in and are at the moment that you have HAD IT then this book is the book for you. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!Get more detail about The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness.
The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child Best Quality
Absolutely one of the best books on the topic!! I've read it twice and highly recommend it to anyone!!Get more detail about The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child.
Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home Immediately
If you ever get the chance to hear Rhoda Janzen speak, cancel your other plans and get yourself there! I took a workshop of hers at the Festival of Faith and Writing on the essentially Christian nature of memoir writing, an enterprise she cast as crafting narratives of captivity, release and restoration. It was my favorite hour of the conference. Ms. Janzen was funny, self-deprecating, generous, insightful and thoughtful.
I was disappointed not to find the same author in this book. The author's focus on humor is so pervasive, so biting, that it overshadows everything else. And much of the humor I found to be overreaching and aimed at the lowest readership, overly focused on sexual themes and downright smutty at points. I got the same feeling from this memoir that I did from Mary Karr's The Liars' Club, that the author is working hard to tell a good story, but at the cost of any real emotional involvement.
In her workshop, she gave advice to a questioner asking how honest you can be in a memoir, to what length you can go without hurting family and friends. Ms. Janzen advised giving the manuscript to the two people whose relationship you most value and to make any changes they suggest. I was left wondering who reviewed her manuscript. Her depictions of family and friends come across as benign on the surface, but underneath run currents of malice that stem from feelings of superiority. I recognize the pattern, as I dated (but fortunately didn't marry) a person with the same trait. While in her lecture she expressed gratitude for the richness imparted by her Mennonite upbringing, here I felt only a meanness toward the religious community of her youth.
Ms. Janzen's life has had its share of heartbreak -- her 15-year marriage to an abusive man, his decision to leave her for a man he meets on a gay Internet site, a car wreak that debilitates her physically, a financial crisis brought on by the divorce -- but I wasn't moved to tears with her as I would have liked to be. Because of that, I just couldn't laugh with her either.Get more detail about Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home.
Power Hungry
For Bryce much of the book is like shooting fish in a bucket. The green world arguments ( or lack of arguments )are so poorly supported by real facts as to be a joke. However, the sad joke is that national policy is being made, not on facts, but on what feels good and benefits the lobbyists' clients.
The book starts in a coal mine where the energy equivalent of 66 thousand barrels of oil a day is produced. In short, but informative chapters it explores the foundation of our energy demand,the world energy demand, the economics and practicality of alternate sources and the foundation of a rational energy policy.
In 30 easy to read chapters Bryce takes one topic at a time and brings much needed facts and thought to the subject at hand. One of the examples which I appreciated, because the county where I live wants to build wind farms in the area, is the discussion of the double standard. Private companies have been fined millions for the inadvertent loss of protected species at their facilities while the wind farm in the Altamont Pass (east of Oakland) kills ten times as many protected animals every year, but without fines or bad press.
For some reason we want to believe that "green energy" is a brain flash of the Algorian Era. However, I still have pictures from our partner's efforts to generate solar power in the California desert from the 1970's. The PR photos are always on clear, still mornings. If they stayed for the afternoon dust devils and days of blowing dust they would better understand the challenges.
The ratios of solar vs conventional energy are about the same 30 years later. Power at the solar facility costs about 300%- 400% of what the utility charges its customers to deliver power to their door. We can hide part of the cost in taxpayer subsidies or mandatory utility subsidies of these producers, but the end result is the same. We are spending money to do something (generate power) in an economically inefficient manner.
Bryces's writing is reinforced with many charts covering a wide range of energy related topics. He has done his homework in gathering the data, analysis and writing up the results in a highly readable text. This should be required reading for those who make policy..
In the end Bryce delivers recommendations in his N2N formula. A shift to natural gas in the short run and a long range strategy involving extensive development of nuclear power. Decades ago the United States lead the world in development of reactors for power generation. Largely in response to well orchestrated attacks, we have junked this important industrial asset base and the hundreds of thousands of true green jobs associated with it. We are told that we should look to Europe for guidance. In Europe nuclear power plays a major role in producing clean power and minimizing oil imports. Even if you hate nuclear power you need to read this book.
As an interim strategy Bryce advocates a much larger commitment to natural gas. We have lots of it and it burns cleaner. Here's an area where he might have spent more time explaining the differences in the combustion products.
Concern about CO2 emissions is a relatively new phenomena. Bryce notes that US production of co2 has actually declined but that on a worldwide basis it (the production of CO2) is bound to rise as some of the worlds poorest populations begin to prosper.
It's hard to find fault with this book. It's easy to read, informative and thoughtful.
Highly recommended.
Get more detail about Power Hungry.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Passages in Caregiving: Turning Chaos into Confidence Review
I've been through caregiving with my husband, who was diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Passages is written by someone who has the money and resources to do whatever can be done. What if you are someone without those resources? I couldn't go to a week of spa massages once a year to "relax". He couldn't surround himself with university associates to support him. I could not identify with her book at all.
I never reached the point of "I can't do this anymore." It was an honor and a privilege to take care of my husband until the end of his life. I cherished every moment with him.
How can you allow yourself to think about life after caregiving when you are still with him? That is totally absurd. My life was his life for 34 years. You always hold hope in your heart that there will be another day.
Get more detail about Passages in Caregiving: Turning Chaos into Confidence.
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You Top Quality
I've read a few of Mr Maxwell's books now and this one is a solid effort. I am a bit leery of 21 laws for anything but his general advice is worth the read. Within it's pages there are some real pearls and at 260 pages, it's a pretty fast read. I think when you've written as many books as John Maxwell, you are bound to have some repetition in your books and that isn't so bad since you need to read this information over and over again. You can't go wrong reading this book.Get more detail about The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You.
Barron's GRE This instant
The verbal revew really boosted my score. However, the math review was soooooooooooo boring, not that this book is meant to entertain, but I felt like hitting my head against a brick wall before any of the concepts in this book's math rewiew would sink in as easy as other books, like the nova math bible or any of the other popular books. Also, the math practise test have really strange questions that I did not see in the official GRE practice tests. Good luck with the GRE, hope this helps.Get more detail about Barron's GRE.
Shop For The Problems of Philosophy
I've always enjoyed Russell's perspicuity, as displayed so generously in A History of Western Philosophy; none of it is lacking here.
Russell takes on several key concepts, such as idealism, knowledge by acquaintance versus knowledge by description, and sets forth a theory which clearly delineates what we can and cannot know.
It addresses the fundamental problems of epistemology, and as such should probably be read pretty early on by those who are interested in epistemology and philosophy in general.
Get more detail about The Problems of Philosophy.
Friday, May 28, 2010
I've always enjoyed Russell's perspicuity, as displayed so generously in A History of Western Philosophy; none of it is lacking here.
Russell takes on several key concepts, such as idealism, knowledge by acquaintance versus knowledge by description, and sets forth a theory which clearly delineates what we can and cannot know.
It addresses the fundamental problems of epistemology, and as such should probably be read pretty early on by those who are interested in epistemology and philosophy in general.
Order The Problems of Philosophy (Optimized for Kindle)
I've always enjoyed Russell's perspicuity, as displayed so generously in A History of Western Philosophy; none of it is lacking here.
Russell takes on several key concepts, such as idealism, knowledge by acquaintance versus knowledge by description, and sets forth a theory which clearly delineates what we can and cannot know.
It addresses the fundamental problems of epistemology, and as such should probably be read pretty early on by those who are interested in epistemology and philosophy in general.
Get more detail about The Problems of Philosophy (Optimized for Kindle).
Purchase The Problems of Philosophy
I've always enjoyed Russell's perspicuity, as displayed so generously in A History of Western Philosophy; none of it is lacking here.
Russell takes on several key concepts, such as idealism, knowledge by acquaintance versus knowledge by description, and sets forth a theory which clearly delineates what we can and cannot know.
It addresses the fundamental problems of epistemology, and as such should probably be read pretty early on by those who are interested in epistemology and philosophy in general.
Get more detail about The Problems of Philosophy.
Buy The Problems of Philosophy
I've always enjoyed Russell's perspicuity, as displayed so generously in A History of Western Philosophy; none of it is lacking here.
Russell takes on several key concepts, such as idealism, knowledge by acquaintance versus knowledge by description, and sets forth a theory which clearly delineates what we can and cannot know.
It addresses the fundamental problems of epistemology, and as such should probably be read pretty early on by those who are interested in epistemology and philosophy in general.
Get more detail about The Problems of Philosophy.
Buying The Problems of Philosophy (mobi)
I've always enjoyed Russell's perspicuity, as displayed so generously in A History of Western Philosophy; none of it is lacking here.
Russell takes on several key concepts, such as idealism, knowledge by acquaintance versus knowledge by description, and sets forth a theory which clearly delineates what we can and cannot know.
It addresses the fundamental problems of epistemology, and as such should probably be read pretty early on by those who are interested in epistemology and philosophy in general.
Get more detail about The Problems of Philosophy (mobi).
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Cheap The Problems of Philosophy
I've always enjoyed Russell's perspicuity, as displayed so generously in A History of Western Philosophy; none of it is lacking here.
Russell takes on several key concepts, such as idealism, knowledge by acquaintance versus knowledge by description, and sets forth a theory which clearly delineates what we can and cannot know.
It addresses the fundamental problems of epistemology, and as such should probably be read pretty early on by those who are interested in epistemology and philosophy in general.
Get more detail about The Problems of Philosophy.
Cheapest The Problems of Philosophy
I've always enjoyed Russell's perspicuity, as displayed so generously in A History of Western Philosophy; none of it is lacking here.
Russell takes on several key concepts, such as idealism, knowledge by acquaintance versus knowledge by description, and sets forth a theory which clearly delineates what we can and cannot know.
It addresses the fundamental problems of epistemology, and as such should probably be read pretty early on by those who are interested in epistemology and philosophy in general.
Get more detail about The Problems of Philosophy.
Discount Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know
The info in this book is OK, but if you're not into the whole family values hypocrisy and right-wing talk show hosts it might not be your cup of tea.
The back cover of the book has a bold print, highlighted recommendation at the top by Michael Medved-- a closeted gay hypocrite who hosts a right-wing hate radio show and writes numerous hate filled right-wing screeds about politics.
I wish the author had decided to keep her politics out of my parenting. I likewise wish that everyone could see the back cover and know that right-wing hypocrites are pushing this 250 page coaster.
Some of Michael Medved's other memorable quotes that are NOT on the back of this book:
In 2006 refers to the children's film happy Feet has" homosexual subtext" wrapped in a movie.
In 2008 intercuts audio from Adolf Hitler with into a democrat's speech to the DNC
In 2009 referred to Barack Obama speaking to a group of school children about the importance of education as "abuse" and "indoctrination" into Obama's "cult of personality."
This is the man the author chose to prominently feature as a selling point for her book on... wait for it, parenting!
So, if you want to take parenting advice from a guy who believes democrats are nazis, that the President of Untied States should be barred from telling kids to stay in school, and sees "homosexual subtext" in Disney movies this is your guy. This is your book.Get more detail about Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know.
Save ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income
I was slightly annoyed to realize that I had purchased this book (new) about ONE WEEK before the release of the 2nd edition. I don't think I'll be ordering the second edition anytime soon, even though the first edition was packed with helpful advice, such as: different ways to make money, ways to measure success of your blog, deciding on the type of blog platform, selecting the subject matter of your blog, tips on setting up a blog (although this is not an A to Z setup guide), tips on blog writing, buying and selling blogs, etc.
The authors are very knowledgable on the topic and do provide some references to their own sites and products as examples, but it's done in a very appropriate manner. It's a very educational and realistic portrayal of the blogging world.
In the very beginning, they are very up front about the fact that this is not some kind of get rich scheme.
I recommend the 2nd edition since it probably has more up-to-date reference, hence the loss of one star to my dated first edition (because I was sent the first edition when the new version was on it's way to the storefront within a few days).Get more detail about ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income.
Low Price ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income
I was slightly annoyed to realize that I had purchased this book (new) about ONE WEEK before the release of the 2nd edition. I don't think I'll be ordering the second edition anytime soon, even though the first edition was packed with helpful advice, such as: different ways to make money, ways to measure success of your blog, deciding on the type of blog platform, selecting the subject matter of your blog, tips on setting up a blog (although this is not an A to Z setup guide), tips on blog writing, buying and selling blogs, etc.
The authors are very knowledgable on the topic and do provide some references to their own sites and products as examples, but it's done in a very appropriate manner. It's a very educational and realistic portrayal of the blogging world.
In the very beginning, they are very up front about the fact that this is not some kind of get rich scheme.
I recommend the 2nd edition since it probably has more up-to-date reference, hence the loss of one star to my dated first edition (because I was sent the first edition when the new version was on it's way to the storefront within a few days).Get more detail about ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Celtic Tales, Told to the Children Right now
simply horrid. any kind of editing would have been a boost. it is badly written, badly typset, making reading a painful chore, and the dry writing is simply terrible. skip it.Get more detail about Celtic Tales, Told to the Children.
Lowest Price Kidnapped
i don't remember ever having read this book as a youngster. But I bought it to read on my new Kindle and loved the book!! The story held my attention to the very end and I hated when it ended.Get more detail about Kidnapped.
Celtic Tales, Told to the Children Decide Now
simply horrid. any kind of editing would have been a boost. it is badly written, badly typset, making reading a painful chore, and the dry writing is simply terrible. skip it.Get more detail about Celtic Tales, Told to the Children.
Making the Cut: The 30-Day Diet and Fitness Plan for the Strongest, Sexiest You Buy Now
When I got down to my last 20lbs I got Making The Cut. I changed up a few recipes from the book because of not being able to find certain ingredients in my area or I knew I wouldn't like the recipe. When I made a change I would swap it with another recipe from the book. I followed the circuit exercises, watched my sodium intake as recommended and got in 60-80 oz of water. At the end of the month I lost 8lbs. It's a great book for those last few pounds that are hard to take off. Periodically I will do the exercises from this book just to change up my routine. This is a great book to have around. Anything Jillian puts out is Great because it is from the heart. I haven't found any of her products to fail me yet. I lost 57.7lbs and not one time did I go to a gym.Get more detail about Making the Cut: The 30-Day Diet and Fitness Plan for the Strongest, Sexiest You.
Celtic Tales, Told to the Children Order Now
simply horrid. any kind of editing would have been a boost. it is badly written, badly typset, making reading a painful chore, and the dry writing is simply terrible. skip it.Get more detail about Celtic Tales, Told to the Children.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I Am Ozzy Get it now!
All of this has been covered to many times already, Sabbath made Ozzy then replaced him with a better song writer/singer and Ozzy began making pop metal album....nuff said.Get more detail about I Am Ozzy.
Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine Best Quality
This was great. Being raised with common sense and love, this brought back a lot of my thoughts and feelings. I just never had had anyone voice them till now.Get more detail about Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine.
Games for Everybody Immediately

If you can't think of any way to occupy your child or family this book could be for you. There are no actual games to play but it does have some interesting description of games you might want to do. This wasn't all that helpful when I was trying to entertain my grandchildren.Get more detail about Games for Everybody.
Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth About Pregnancy And Childbirth Review
I read this book during my second pregnancy and wished after having such a hard and complicated first pregnancy that there had been a book like this. I was sick most of my pregnancy and having a book that was dealing with what I was going thru but with a major laugh (thank you Jenny!!) was just what I needed to make myself feel better. They do say that laughter is the best medicine and it was definately making me laugh.Get more detail about Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth About Pregnancy And Childbirth.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Games for Everybody Top Quality
If you can't think of any way to occupy your child or family this book could be for you. There are no actual games to play but it does have some interesting description of games you might want to do. This wasn't all that helpful when I was trying to entertain my grandchildren.Get more detail about Games for Everybody.
Games for Everybody This instant
If you can't think of any way to occupy your child or family this book could be for you. There are no actual games to play but it does have some interesting description of games you might want to do. This wasn't all that helpful when I was trying to entertain my grandchildren.Get more detail about Games for Everybody.
Shop For The Primal Blueprint: Reprogram your genes for effortless weight loss, vibrant health, and boundless energy
While a little glib and contrived, this is an outstanding book for modifying your behavior in an easy way to live a better life. Sounds a bit corny or overreaching, but the author presents a very clear and comprehensive picture about diet, carbohydrates and insulin. He makes it both understandable and encouraging. More than that he makes it believable that it's attainable and sustainable. He writes very well and formats the chapters with helpful summaries. I highly recommend this book for people who want to live healthy, rich lives.Get more detail about The Primal Blueprint: Reprogram your genes for effortless weight loss, vibrant health, and boundless energy.
Belly Laughs
I read this book during my second pregnancy and wished after having such a hard and complicated first pregnancy that there had been a book like this. I was sick most of my pregnancy and having a book that was dealing with what I was going thru but with a major laugh (thank you Jenny!!) was just what I needed to make myself feel better. They do say that laughter is the best medicine and it was definately making me laugh.Get more detail about Belly Laughs.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Where To Buy Blue Ocean Strategy: How To Create Uncontested Market Space And Make The Competition Irrelevant
Essential for those are seeking a new view how to navegate with your core business.Get more detail about Blue Ocean Strategy: How To Create Uncontested Market Space And Make The Competition Irrelevant.
Purchase The After House
Although I thoroughly enjoyed the fast pace and chilling story, I was struck by how this book completely disregards the most fundamental rule in mystery stories: giving readers enough clues (no matter how twisted or incidental) to actually solve the crime on their own. I can't say more without spoiling the end of the novel, but I think this book would have made for a more satisfying read had the author played a little more fairly with her audience. As it is, I would highly recommend this book as a good horror novel, but not as a mystery.Get more detail about The After House.
Order When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor . . . and Yourself
This book is an excellent guide for missions-related work inside and outside of the USA. All church missions committees should read it. I have to say that the last chapter is about setting up a lending institution, something that not just anyone can do.Get more detail about When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor . . . and Yourself.
Buy Biggest Loser Family Cookbook: Budget-Friendly Meals Your Whole Family Will Love
We really like this cookbook. The recipes we've tried so far are delicious and not too involved. Highly recommend this book.Get more detail about Biggest Loser Family Cookbook: Budget-Friendly Meals Your Whole Family Will Love.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Buying Edison, His Life and Inventions
I thought this was a good overview of his life, but being from Port Huron there are some mistakes in the book. The most glaring mistake is that he was thrown off the train at Mount Clemens. It didn't happen there. He was thrown off the train at SMITH'S CREEK!Get more detail about Edison, His Life and Inventions.
Discount Edison, His Life and Inventions
I thought this was a good overview of his life, but being from Port Huron there are some mistakes in the book. The most glaring mistake is that he was thrown off the train at Mount Clemens. It didn't happen there. He was thrown off the train at SMITH'S CREEK!Get more detail about Edison, His Life and Inventions.
I thought this was a good overview of his life, but being from Port Huron there are some mistakes in the book. The most glaring mistake is that he was thrown off the train at Mount Clemens. It didn't happen there. He was thrown off the train at SMITH'S CREEK!Get more detail about EDISON HIS LIFE AND INVENTIONS (v. 2).
Cheap Edison, His Life and Inventions
I thought this was a good overview of his life, but being from Port Huron there are some mistakes in the book. The most glaring mistake is that he was thrown off the train at Mount Clemens. It didn't happen there. He was thrown off the train at SMITH'S CREEK!Get more detail about Edison, His Life and Inventions.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Low Price Make It Fast, Cook It Slow: The Big Book of Everyday Slow Cooking
I enjoy making gourmet meals, so I found this cookbook to be a bit elementary. I was grateful for the author's witty insights and the casual ease of the book, though. I will (and have)suggested this book for people with little time to spare or people who do not share the same thrill of cooking that I have. Do not feel afraid to tweak the recipes to suit your tastes. I prefer stronger flavors in my dishes, so I add more spices. The Indian Masala (butter chicken) dish was easy and enjoyable. I also liked the Stuffed Pork Tenderloin. I use this book when I feel overwhelmed with my daily grind and do not feel like exerting energy over a meal.Get more detail about Make It Fast, Cook It Slow: The Big Book of Everyday Slow Cooking.
Save Edison His Life and Inventions
I thought this was a good overview of his life, but being from Port Huron there are some mistakes in the book. The most glaring mistake is that he was thrown off the train at Mount Clemens. It didn't happen there. He was thrown off the train at SMITH'S CREEK!Get more detail about Edison His Life and Inventions.
Lowest Price Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
"When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote those words in The Cost of Discipleship, which was first published in 1937. Eight years later, on April 9, 1945, he answered Christ's bidding and was executed by the Nazis at the Flossenburg concentration camp for conspiring to assassinate Adolf Hitler the previous year. Bonhoeffer's last words, appropriate to a Christian facing death, were hopeful. "This is the end...For me the beginning of life."
In Bonhoeffer, Eric Metaxas sets out to narrate Bonhoeffer's life for a new generation of Christians, who are unacquainted with the 1967 biography written by Eberhard Bethge, Bonhoeffer's closest friend. Metaxas is the author of Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery (2007), which was subsequently turned into a movie. His biography of Bonhoeffer is well written, well paced, and very insightful, especially regarding the theological, spiritual, and ethical evolution Bonhoeffer experienced in his conflict with the Nazis, which consumed the latter third of his short life.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was one of eight children born to Karl and Paula Bonhoeffer, and the youngest of five boys. He was the scion of illustrious families on both his paternal and maternal sides. His father Karl's ancestors included prominent politicians and scientists. Karl himself was chair of the department of psychology at the University of Berlin--in effect, the leading psychologist of Germany. His mother Paula's family included military leaders and theologians, including her grandfather, the prominent liberal church historian Karl August von Hase, and her father Karl Alfred, the erstwhile chaplain to Kaiser Wilhelm II.
Bonhoeffer followed in the footsteps of his von Hase ancestors, studying at Tubingen before achieving a double doctorate in theology at Berlin. Following his studies in Berlin, Bonhoeffer did a year of postgraduate work at Union Theological Seminary of New York, where he attended and taught Sunday school at Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, then under the able leadership of Dr. Adam Clayton Powell Sr. Bonhoeffer was unimpressed by Union's scholarship, but his involvement with Abyssinian gave him a deep love for "Negro spirituals" and important insights into how segregation damages both minorities and the majorities who oppress them.
Adolf Hitler and the Nazis came to power in 1933, when Bonhoeffer was just 27 years old. From the get-go, the Nazis attempted to subvert and control every traditional institution in Germany, including the German Evangelical (or Lutheran) Church. This attempted subversion drew Bonhoeffer into the opposition to Hitler that would eventually cost him his life. The struggle would also radicalize him in numerous ways. He increasingly realized that being a good German and being a good Christian were not coterminous. He increasingly began to practice a free-church ecclesiology in the midst of a state-church nation. And he increasingly realized that passivity in the face of evil was complicity with evil.
Most of Bonhoeffer's work in the 1930s and 40s was professorial and pastoral. He helped found the Confessing Church, which was formed to oppose the Nazification of the state church. He helped found and lead the Confessing Church's underground seminary at Finkenwalde. And throughout this time, he wrote what have become classics in theology and spiritual formation: Life Together, The Cost of Discipleship, and Ethics (which he completed toward the end of his life).
But all along, he was drawn increasingly into the conspiracy against Hitler. Bonhoeffer's social class and family were deeply involved in this struggle. His older brother and two brothers-in-law were also executed for their involvement in the conspiracy against Hitler. Interestingly, they undertook this conspiracy from within the government and military, not outside of it. At one point, when Bonhoeffer was about to be drafted into the Army, his family friends arranged for him to work for the Abwehr, or Military Intelligence. To many of his Confessing Church comrades, it appeared that Bonhoeffer had sold out. In reality, this position saved Bonhoeffer from military service and allowed him to continue pastoral work under the guise of doing assignments for the Abwehr.
On July 20, 1944, General Claus von Stauffenberg placed an explosive device under a table at a meeting with Hitler. The explosion killed several people, although Hitler lived, scathed but otherwise unharmed. Bonhoeffer was already in prison, although his role in this conspiracy wouldn't become known for some time. Indeed, at one point, his uncle, General Paul von Hase, was able to get him special accommodations in the military prison just outside of Berlin. With the failure of Stauffenberg's bomb, however, the plot unraveled. Several thousand people were arrested, often because they were family members of conspirators, and several hundred were executed. The conspirators were aristocrats, military leaders, and civil servants--the traditional leaders of pre-war Germany. Why had they tolerated Hitler for so long? They had been working against him from the beginning, Metaxas makes clear, but Hitler's foreign policy and military successes made him very popular, and thus very difficult to work against.
Bonhoeffer had seen this difficulty nearly from the beginning. In a sense, he was a prophet who foresaw where Hitler's regime would lead Germany, and counseled more radical action than conservative German's traditional leaders--religious, military, or civil--could tolerate, until of course it was still late. He, and they, paid for their dereliction with their lives.
If I have made much of Bonhoeffer's involvement with the plot against Hitler, it is only because this is the most well-known thing about him. But Metaxas reveals the layers of theology, spirituality, politics, and commitment that characterized Bonhoeffer's life. His biography is well written and highly recommended.Get more detail about Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy.
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Received item in timely manner. I would purchase again from this seller. Thank you for a good experience.Get more detail about Out-of-Sync Child, The (Revised Edition).
Thursday, May 20, 2010
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This voice is easy to listen to and tells a magnificent story. I am using it in my geography class.Get more detail about Three Cups of Tea (The Young Reader's Edition).
The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents--The Definitive Edition Buy Now
Hayek offers numerous though-provoking ideas. I found myself in agreement on many of these issues. This book is indeed an Austrian School classic. Hayek wrote this book during WWII with Great Britain as its intended audience and, due to these circumstances, some of its value has diminished over the years. In particular, his fear that England was travelling down the same path as Germany and could very well mutate into a totalitarian state are unwarranted. Also, his attempt to tie Germany's political, economic, and intellectual development to Britain's comes off as an overreaction. This book still offers much to its readers, but some of the author's claims appear antiquated and misplaced.Get more detail about The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents--The Definitive Edition.
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An interesting read. I reconstructed weather for several Bering Sea disasters as a consulting meteorologist and Sig's description of how the crew coped was good to hear. As a viewer of the Deadliest Catch, this brings more insight as to the crabber's lives.Get more detail about North by Northwestern: A Seafaring Family on Deadly Alaskan Waters.
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