I read this book 2 and a half times.... It is a powerful Spirit filled book. The Spirit of God revealed to me in an even greater way, how to use my spiritual senses that God has given all believers to come into a more real than this material world presence of God. If you are trying to get closer to God, This book will be the tool that God may use to reach you.Get more detail about The Pursuit of God (with linked TOC).
Friday, December 31, 2010
The Pursuit of God (with linked TOC) Immediately
I read this book 2 and a half times.... It is a powerful Spirit filled book. The Spirit of God revealed to me in an even greater way, how to use my spiritual senses that God has given all believers to come into a more real than this material world presence of God. If you are trying to get closer to God, This book will be the tool that God may use to reach you.Get more detail about The Pursuit of God (with linked TOC).
The Pursuit of God Best Quality
I read this book 2 and a half times.... It is a powerful Spirit filled book. The Spirit of God revealed to me in an even greater way, how to use my spiritual senses that God has given all believers to come into a more real than this material world presence of God. If you are trying to get closer to God, This book will be the tool that God may use to reach you.Get more detail about The Pursuit of God.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The Pursuit of God (mobi) Get it now!
I read this book 2 and a half times.... It is a powerful Spirit filled book. The Spirit of God revealed to me in an even greater way, how to use my spiritual senses that God has given all believers to come into a more real than this material world presence of God. If you are trying to get closer to God, This book will be the tool that God may use to reach you.Get more detail about The Pursuit of God (mobi).
Screamfree Parenting: The Revolutionary Approach to Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool Buy Now
It was terrific reading some of these postings. You people surely give a great contribution to amazon. And for free! What brings me here though is not the same reason that brought you.
I have for quite some time been aggressively working on my first web site, a huge project that focuses exclusively on children. As I finally approach the conclusion of its first phase, I came up with the idea to look for the right people for help. Part of the site is comprised of four different blogs that are yet to be populated, each falling under a distinct category as follows:
1. Parenting and Children's Social Life
2. Children Education and Arts
3. Mental and Physical Health
4. Entertainment and Looks
I am currently working on my first post while still addressing other sections of the site. I could of course start writing for the other three blogs as well, but that would require a significant amount of time on research and writing as I am to be exacting when it comes to content quality. I am looking for knowledgeable people with good writing skills who would be willing to volunteer some of their time and expertise to help me promote the site's cause by publishing fresh material on those blogs. That way I would be able to abbreviate the time it would take to make the site available for public view.
Should you be interested, please take a moment to check the site and in particular the introduction page and the blog policy link on that page. Please keep in mind it's still under construction. If you decide to become part of the project, just let me know which blog(s) you would like to post your writings and I will gladly send you an invitation so that you can gain access.
If you've read this far it probably means you're interested in hearing more. Email me at agarta731@yahoo.com and I'll send you the rest of the info. I guarantee you will like what you will see... MarcosGet more detail about Screamfree Parenting: The Revolutionary Approach to Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bambi Order Now
I have not read this entire book. I thought I was getting the story of the deer. This is not the story of the Deer, That would be Bambi by Felix Salten. This book is about a young adult named Bambina (Bambi for short). Five stars are indicated simply to keep from judging the story wrongly since I have not yet read it.Get more detail about Bambi.
Best Bambi,
Buy Bambi,
Cheap Bambi,
Discount Bambi,
Looking for Bambi
Bambi Decide Now
I have not read this entire book. I thought I was getting the story of the deer. This is not the story of the Deer, That would be Bambi by Felix Salten. This book is about a young adult named Bambina (Bambi for short). Five stars are indicated simply to keep from judging the story wrongly since I have not yet read it.Get more detail about Bambi.
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Looking for Bambi
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bambi Right now
I have not read this entire book. I thought I was getting the story of the deer. This is not the story of the Deer, That would be Bambi by Felix Salten. This book is about a young adult named Bambina (Bambi for short). Five stars are indicated simply to keep from judging the story wrongly since I have not yet read it.Get more detail about Bambi.
Best Bambi,
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Looking for Bambi
Lowest Price The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court
I have met and talked to a number of the judges discussed by Mr Toobin. The one with whom I had most to do was Justice O'Connor. I had the privilege, while in Washington, of officially inviting her to come to Australia and address lawyers there. Protocol required that I first invite Burger CJ, whom we did not really want. He declined and assured me that O'Connor J would also refuse . I took the precaution of asking her husband about the matter and he told me his wife would love to come. She did so and was of course a great hit.
Australian lawyers who contested constitutional cases in our High Court - I did so - had to be interested in the views of the US Supreme Court, as our Founding Fathers followed US precedent in important respects. For example., we have a Senate whose members comprise equal numbers from each State - and a House of Representatives with roughly equal numbers in each electorate.
Mr Toobin's account of the recent work of the Supreme Court I found to be enlightening. Our Australian media tends to give us simplistic stories about, say, the appointment of Thomas J. Mr Toobin makes clear that His Honour is by no means lacking in ability and is also a popular member of the Court. One of his major messages is that although most of the judges in the period dealt with have been Republicans, it functioned well and harmoniously under the excellent leadership of Rehnquist CJ. He throws useful light on the famous incident of the duck-hunting Judge (Scalia J) and explains convincingly why there was no ground for suspecting any impropriety.
Many other aspects of the court's functioning are interestingly dealt with, but I must say my personal understanding of the clerks' functions suggests that he has understated their part in production of judgments. It is esentiaally a popular rather than lawyers' treatise which he gives us, but with that limitation it must be accouted a useful analysis. Some of your readers have suggested that it is biassed; I was conscious of Mr Toobin's liberal leanings, but thought his writing to be careful and fair-minded. INVICTUSGet more detail about The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Low Price Límites (Spanish Edition)
Yo suelo recomendar este libro para aquellos que tienen personalidad simbiótica y necesitan aprender a distinguir entre el yo y el no yo. Magnífico producto para Católicos con un sentido erróneo entre el dar y recibir.Get more detail about Límites (Spanish Edition).
Save Blood Type O Food, Beverage and Supplemental Lists
this book( along with it's companion "eat right for your type" ) is a what to and how to insight into food choices for optimal health. an easy to read and easy to understand guide for the person looking to find their strengths and weaknesses and how food impacts his/her particular blood type. finding out these things has forced me to reconsider all the things i ever thought about how to have and maintain a healthy dietary measure. i used to eat wheat and dairy just about every day, thinking it was good for me,though my body gave me obvious signs that it was quite the opposite. i continued trying to force myself into the standard pyramid food chart. this book validated my thoughts about some things that (in the past) traditional dietary molds washed over. lumping everyone in to one catogory. i reccommend this book for anyone looking to find out how to care for their particular blueprint/bloodprint.Get more detail about Blood Type O Food, Beverage and Supplemental Lists.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Discount Healing ADD
This book is amazingly insightful and tremendously helpful. It is clear, actionable, and understandable. It remains at my bedside for frequent reference and has already improved the quality of my life. Quite possibly the best $15 I've ever spent.Get more detail about Healing ADD.
Cheapest How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
Just started reading it and just went by the 1st chapter and it is awesome!! Very inspiring and comprehensable. Already started to apply the first theory and it is helping me a lot!!! Imagine after when I finish reading the whole book! I hope to be a changed person! This book is great and the author is one of the best out there.Get more detail about How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Buying The Woman's Bible
wanted a bible with some devotional elements...this was not it. would be best if there was a description before you buy...even at free... interested in the rewrite and commentaryGet more detail about The Woman's Bible.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Buy The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief
Excellent book to read. Offers a wonderful fact for the belief in God and why people should read it.
Get more detail about The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief.
Purchase Bitter is the New Black: Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smartass,Or, Why You Should Never Carry A Prada Bag to the Unemployment Office
I was given this book by a misled family member who thought I might enjoy this due to my love of humorous memoirs. I could tell by the description on the back that this would not be my cup of tea - but decided to give it a chance anyway. In my opinion, this is chick-lit at its worst. Trust me, I get self-deprecating funny. I get the funny in saying things everybody wants to but you know you shouldn't. This book crosses the line into un-funny, just plain mean territory.
I found Jen Lancaster to be the b**ch you always hope you never have to spend time with, who's been given an outlet for her truly awful thoughts. I couldn't really believe her hateful comments towards others, let alone her unapologetic way of voicing them. It's a bit sickening how egotistical this woman truly is. And, I find it a bit sad that this book is such a success.
Maybe if you are a real b**ch you might enjoy this one, but regular, nice people - beware. You will feel irritated every moment you are filling your head with this.Get more detail about Bitter is the New Black: Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smartass,Or, Why You Should Never Carry A Prada Bag to the Unemployment Office.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Order Life Is a Verb: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally
Great read with lots of stories to challenge you while at the same time leave their mark. The author seems approachable and friendly in her writing style. I love the visual attraction of the book and the author has scored a "10" with the format. I have purchased several copies for friends as gifts. Even if you do not agree with every view point there is value in seeing some things from another's perspective - this book highlighted that aspect for me. I have thought about some of the content long after I closed the book and will at times refer to it I am sure.
Get more detail about Life Is a Verb: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally.
Where To Buy The Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and its Dangerous Legacy
"The Dead Hand" covers enormous swaths of narrative terrain with an exceedingly narrow focus. After briefly introducing Soviet forays into biological and chemical warfare in the late 1970s, Hoffman commences with a retelling of the political and diplomatic bullet points between the U.S. and the Soviet Union in the 1980s. The central concern of this story is the struggle of both superpowers to reduce or eliminate their respective stockpiles of nuclear weapons, with a subplot devoted to the aforementioned biological and chemical weapons programs within the Soviet Union.
Rather than present an exhaustive study of the complex science or realpolitik pressures at play, Hoffman tends to give credence to personality by singling out quirky moments and conversational tipping points (i.e., the notes President Reagan scrawled in the margins of dense white papers seem to matter more than the content of the papers themselves). There's nothing inherently disingenuous about this kind of history, but it avoids the distinction of being comprehensive.
Apparently there is a significant amount of primary - even groundbreaking - research that has made its way into this book. This may be enough to recommend it to readers with an existing library on the Cold War who nonetheless have an appetite for historical minutia. For those with merely a passing familiarity with the nuclear arms race, this might present more questions than answers (which might recommend it as well). To keep the story moving, Hoffman often breezes over motivations, geopolitics, and technical specifics; a tactic which tends to focus the reader's credulity on the author himself. Fortunately, such credulity is ultimately well placed. There is authority here, even if it not always on display.
Finally, it reads very much like newspaper writing: often dry, with ham-fisted (and unnecessary) attempts to humanize characters, bland repetition for fear of being unclear, and a generalized simplification of convoluted realities.Get more detail about The Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and its Dangerous Legacy.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Shop For Eat What You Love
This is a GREAT book!! It has some excellent recipes and I've already tried 3 or 4 of them so yall get this book and start cooking!!!Get more detail about Eat What You Love.
Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul
I recently received the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge to review for Thomas Nelson Publishing Company.
What Wild at Heart did for men, Captivating is doing for women. Setting their hearts free. This groundbreaking book shows readers the glorious design of women before the fall, describes how the feminine heart can be restored, and casts a vision for the power, freedom, and beauty of a woman released to be all she was meant to be (book description)
It is God's design that we see Him as Daddy, Papa, Lover....that we truly feel romanced and loved by Him, no matter what our past or present circumstances are. Unfortunately many women have not had the honor of knowing Him this way. They stay locked up in a prison of lies.
This book seeks to see women set free and walking in the true beauty of their soul, their inner woman, the "warrior princesses" that they were intended to be! If you allow it to, it can help bring you to a place of wholeness, if you're willing to come into agreement with God and how He sees you!
This is a book that cannot simply be read through one time. I think it is one that must be read over and over, read slowing and with a heart open and ready to receive.
I would have loved to have seen some discussion questions or "thought provokers". I'm not a fan of "written out, pray this prayer" type thing. There were parts of the book that I didn't necessarily agree with, or maybe I just needed to read it a few more times to understand it better.
Overall I think it is a worthy read!Get more detail about Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagician's Guide to Lightning Calculation and Amazing Math Tricks Review
I first saw Arthur Benjamin on TED and his performance was nothing short of amazing. I was very excited to see a book that explained his methods available on Amazon, so I bought it immediately. I was not disappointed at all to see some hackneyed algorithms repeated in the book. Despite being professionally involved with mathematics as part of my work, and collecting these sorts of math algorithms for ~5o years, there were quite a few I had not seen (or remembered). The book is written in a wonderfully entertaining way that makes it an excellent read; moreover it is easy to learn from. For me at least all of this was spoiled by a ridiculous redundant rant in the so called Chapter Infinity. Apparently M.S. cannot pass up any chance to promulgate his "religion" of skeptic. This final chapter does not belong in this book it is an entirely different subject and is not what I bought the book for. Unfortunately I bought the book in Kindle form so I do not have the option of cutting out the superfluous pages.Get more detail about Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagician's Guide to Lightning Calculation and Amazing Math Tricks.
God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours Top Quality
Expect to be as pleased reading this book, as you have been reading her articles. We all need to learn from our experiences and move on.Get more detail about God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance This instant
Don't believe the hype. The whole premise that "Quality" is an undefineable thing is ridiculous, and the whole rest of the book is built on that flawed premise. A huge disappointment after hearing so many wonderful things about the book.Get more detail about Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
The Art of War by Sun Tzu Immediately
I have not yet completed reading this book, but it gives many principles that can apply to life.Get more detail about The Art of War by Sun Tzu.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Art of War Best Quality
I have not yet completed reading this book, but it gives many principles that can apply to life.Get more detail about The Art of War.
The Art of War (with Right justified Link-enabled Table of Contents for easy Searching) Get it now!
I have not yet completed reading this book, but it gives many principles that can apply to life.Get more detail about The Art of War (with Right justified Link-enabled Table of Contents for easy Searching).
Saturday, December 18, 2010
The Art of War Buy Now
I have not yet completed reading this book, but it gives many principles that can apply to life.Get more detail about The Art of War.
The Art of War Order Now
I have not yet completed reading this book, but it gives many principles that can apply to life.Get more detail about The Art of War.
Friday, December 17, 2010
The Art of War by Sun Tzu Decide Now
I have not yet completed reading this book, but it gives many principles that can apply to life.Get more detail about The Art of War by Sun Tzu.
The Art of War by Sun Tzu Right now
I have not yet completed reading this book, but it gives many principles that can apply to life.Get more detail about The Art of War by Sun Tzu.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Lowest Price After the Affair
I never received the item. At the beginning of March I was given a refund.Get more detail about After the Affair.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Save Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism
This book was purchased for my daughter who also has autism and has similar struggles to those that Dr. Grandin has written about. She has read a lot of her books and is waiting for the DVD about Dr. Grandin to come out. I bought her this to give her inspiration as she transitons from high scool to collega and beyond.. Thanks for the inspirationGet more detail about Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism.
Discount The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing (Revised Edition)
This is a book well worth reading for newish investors. I particularly enjoyed the author's overview of the strategies taken by several guru investors (Buffet, O'Neil, etc). This alone will save you from reading half a dozen books (if you're willing to trust the author's summaries).
The author's investing strategies have received some criticism in Amazon reviews. In one sense I can see why. I found that the core mutual funds he suggests have one star ratings from Morningstar. They are highly leveraged so when times are good, you're going to do great. When times are bad, you're going to take a bath. However, my opinion is that readers should really consider what he has to say and then take what they're comfortable with and modify the strategies they don't like. For instance, I've used his suggestions to pick some value stocks (one of which increased 20% in a month), but I've picked more highly rated funds for my core. Another way of saying this is if you read critically rather than adopt everything here wholesale, this book will be very useful.
My one gripe here is that there is a lot of talk about researching using newspapers and ordering paper prospectuses, etc. Only a token effort was made to discuss how this information can be obtained electronically. For instance, I use a stock market plug in in Excel that allows me to automatically pull in data from Yahoo, Google, MSN, etc. This saves a HUGE amount of time. The next edition of this book should really focus on helping readers be more efficient in their research. Right now the research approach advocated here is mega old school.Get more detail about The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing (Revised Edition).
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Cheapest The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing
This is a book well worth reading for newish investors. I particularly enjoyed the author's overview of the strategies taken by several guru investors (Buffet, O'Neil, etc). This alone will save you from reading half a dozen books (if you're willing to trust the author's summaries).
The author's investing strategies have received some criticism in Amazon reviews. In one sense I can see why. I found that the core mutual funds he suggests have one star ratings from Morningstar. They are highly leveraged so when times are good, you're going to do great. When times are bad, you're going to take a bath. However, my opinion is that readers should really consider what he has to say and then take what they're comfortable with and modify the strategies they don't like. For instance, I've used his suggestions to pick some value stocks (one of which increased 20% in a month), but I've picked more highly rated funds for my core. Another way of saying this is if you read critically rather than adopt everything here wholesale, this book will be very useful.
My one gripe here is that there is a lot of talk about researching using newspapers and ordering paper prospectuses, etc. Only a token effort was made to discuss how this information can be obtained electronically. For instance, I use a stock market plug in in Excel that allows me to automatically pull in data from Yahoo, Google, MSN, etc. This saves a HUGE amount of time. The next edition of this book should really focus on helping readers be more efficient in their research. Right now the research approach advocated here is mega old school.Get more detail about The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Buying The Food You Crave: Luscious Recipes for a Healthy Life
This is a wonderful book. Ellie Krieger puts food in a whole new perspective. Such healthy ways to prepare food. Her recipes are delicious and easy to prepare. I love it.Get more detail about The Food You Crave: Luscious Recipes for a Healthy Life.
Buy How to Cook Everything (Completely Revised 10th Anniversary Edition): 2,000 Simple Recipes for Great Food
My daughter gave me this cookbook. I loved it so much I gave one to her and to my 2 other children, my mother-in-law, and I give it for every wedding occasion. Great cookbook that helps with the simplest to the fanciest meals.Get more detail about How to Cook Everything (Completely Revised 10th Anniversary Edition): 2,000 Simple Recipes for Great Food.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Purchase Just Let Me Lie Down: Necessary Terms for the Half-Insane Working Mom
I loved this book! I don't often have time to read, so I'm very selective in what I do read.
Laughed out loud often! It's nice to know that there are more of us "half-insane working moms" out there. In the end we will survive it all and so will our children. We shouldn't feel guilty about working and trying to raise a family. It isn't easy and undoubtedly we would all rather be raising our children 24/7 ourselves instead of having someone else raise them for us, or would we?? I love my kids with all my heart and not a day goes by that I don't miss them, but I know that I am a better parent for them because I don't spend all day every day with them. I really admire those moms who stay at home and are successful with raising children 24/7. As appealing as it sounds, if I did that I would be a completely insane stay at home mom, so I am happy to be only half-insane and working. You have to do what's right for you and your family and this book helps make you feel like it's all okay.
Enjoy!Get more detail about Just Let Me Lie Down: Necessary Terms for the Half-Insane Working Mom.
Order Confidence Game: How a Hedge Fund Manager Called Wall Street's Bluff
CONFIDENCE GAME is a thoughtful, sharply observed piece of reporting on an historic moment in U.S. history--both financial and sociological--that brought the intricacies of the financial world into sharp focus for me. With a brisk pace, telling details, and the ability to explain the financial industry and its people with wasting a word, Richards has crafted an extraordinary book.Get more detail about Confidence Game: How a Hedge Fund Manager Called Wall Street's Bluff.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Where To Buy Hungry Girl: Recipes and Survival Strategies for Guilt-Free Eating in the Real World
Great cookbook, here I am 30 yrs old and just starting to actually cook. This book has quick easy recipes, and the food taste great. Highly recommend.Get more detail about Hungry Girl: Recipes and Survival Strategies for Guilt-Free Eating in the Real World.
Shop For Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe (RE: Lit)
I think this is a really impressive work. Why? There are ten to a dozen Systematic Theologies in the market. For the most part they are big books which can intimidate or look to daunting for many Christians. Driscoll and Breshears have pulled off something unique. They have a substantial book, and by substantial I mean it has lots of information. Each chapter covers the topic thoroughly. And yet, the book is not dense, or hard to read. Far from it. It is remarkably easy to read. But what this book does very well is to limit itself to 13 chapters and thus, providing a template of doctrines which we should all as Christians uphold. While Driscoll and Breshears do take positions their writing and presentation of the material in each chapter is so comprehensive that you come away with an all round understanding of each doctrine. A must read and a great asset for teaching doctrine. This is also a wonderful gift for the lay person in Church who wants to have a substantial understanding of the major doctrines of Christianity. Highly Recommended.Get more detail about Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe (RE: Lit).
Friday, December 10, 2010
An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness
This is the first book I have read about anything having to do with psychology, and I have to say, I absolutely loved it! It is extremely well written and full of useful info about mental illness; and you know it's good info coming form someone who both suffers from manic-depressive illness, and also teaches and researches it at one of the best schools in the country. It is very inspiring and really a fun and uplifting book, I could not put it down. I can't wait to read the rest of her books.Get more detail about An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness.
Skinny Bitch Review
100% trash. These callous, ignorant women have somehow tricked people into buying this ridiculous book. Only buy this book if you want to be screamed at and insulted with vulgarity, presented with loads and loads of misleading information, and sold a load of nothing. They give vegans and food activists (of which I am one) a bad name.Get more detail about Skinny Bitch.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome Top Quality
Our family is working our way through tons of material on Aspergers Syndrone, and this is a foundational text for the condition. We are very grateful for this book and its insights.
Get more detail about The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome.
When Food Is Love This instant
Quite simply, picked it up, planned to skim,read in one sitting and had perhaps THE ah ha of my life. Tearful, joyful, acceptance, and hope.Get more detail about When Food Is Love.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Immediately
Many people with heart disease--myself among them--take a drug commonly known as Coumadin. It is a blood thinner, and there are a whole host of foods that must be avoided because they either reverse or intensify the drug's effects. Blueberries, for example, are out; so too are asparagus, broccoli, collard greens, endive, kale, romaine, mustard greens, spinach, and turnip greens, not to mention parsley, horseradish, and excessive amounts of garlic, to name but a few. This is not something Dr. Esselstyn's PREVENT AND REVERSE HEART DISEASE really takes into account, advocating such concoctions as Broccoli-Mushroom Pie, to name but one recipe that will zap your Coumadin levels to hell and gone. So my first comment on this book is that Coumadin users should approach its recipes with tremendous caution.
That said, any doctor will tell you that a diet you can't stay on is worthless. I wouldn't say that Esselstyn's diet is impossible to stay on, but it comes damn close. This is not just a diet low in red meats, fats, and sodium; it is a diet without them entirely--and also without chicken, fish, eggs, milk, and oils of any kind. It is, simply put, the Vegan diet from all hell and then some. So good luck at dodging the Coumadin-unfriendly items, not to mention finding many of these recommended products at your corner grocery store. Quite frankly, you would do better to BEGIN with a diet low in red meats, fats, and sodium that you CAN stay on and gradually expand upon it. Many heart patients do become vegetarians; many heart patients do become vegans. But it is not something most people will find easy to jump into point-blank, and a diet you can stay on is better than one that you cannot.
That said, I do recommend Esselstyn's book for the simple reason that, Coumadin issues aside, this is the ideal, it is what we are working toward. But don't let the fact that you can't immediately stay on it knock you out of the park. And so, one more time: a diet you can stay on is better than one you cannot.
GFT, Amazon ReviewerGet more detail about Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior Best Quality
1. Interestingness: Great. The topic was sufficiently narrow and the words carefully selected.
2. Ease of Reading: Great. This book took one afternoon of reading to finish
3. Coherence: Great. The authors didn't go off into any Nassim-Nicholas-Taleb style (he of "Fooled by Randomness" and "The Black Swan") babbling and take a WHOLE lot of pages to make fairly simple points.
4. Value of information per unit of time: Great.
One thing that I really enjoyed about this book was that the reader can go back to the headings of each chapter and find a recapitulation of what was covered therein. (That is a way to review what you are learning and make sure that you are following the arguments that the author is putting forth.) In fact, that may have been the single best point about this book. Of course we all know that Psychology is not a real science, and I don't think that the authors tried to convince us one way or the other. But they did take some number of extant situations and try to go backward from those to illustrate reasoning errors.
I can recommend spending for a second hand copy of this book.
Get more detail about Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior.
Kitchen Confidential Get it now!
If you enjoy him on his show, you will love this book.
Although it details a time before fame, his candid, witty, lay-it-all-out-there self is true to the "Tony" we see on his program.
I didn't know how interesting a book about restaurants would be, but this one held me from first page to last. I also learned a heck of a lot.
Enjoy it, it's a treat.Get more detail about Kitchen Confidential.
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Everything Kids' Science Experiments Book Buy Now
We bought this for our 8 year old who loves science and it is wonderful. We all have had a great time doing the experiments. All the information is fun and easy to read. It is a really fun way to teach and learn!Get more detail about The Everything Kids' Science Experiments Book.
Welsh Fairy Tales Order Now
The readings in this book are light readings. I downloaded it because I thought it would give me brief readings that would not take too much time. This is does.
But the light readings are at a fairly low reader level and I found myself bored with the style. My expectation was a short story format that all ages could enjoy. My disappointment is that it is not for all ages - it's for pre-adult ages.Get more detail about Welsh Fairy Tales.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
I Just Want You to Know: Letters to My Kids on Love, Faith, and Family Decide Now
Great inspirational book. Well written. Thoroughly enjoyed it!
Can't wait for another Kate book to come out!Get more detail about I Just Want You to Know: Letters to My Kids on Love, Faith, and Family.
The Scarecrow of Oz Right now
Trot and Cap'n Bill are in trouble -- their boat has been pulled down into a giant whirlpool! When they finally land in a mysterious cave, there seems to be no escape....until they meet a strange creature. Where in the world are they?Get more detail about The Scarecrow of Oz.
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